When scouring far corners for old bikes (like India, Indonesia, Argentina, Paraguay, etc), the prices are often enticing, but, of course, there's always the issue of overseas money transfer, in a transaction with an unknown vendor. It can be scary to send a hard-earned pile of cash abroad to a stranger, but I have to say, I've never been 'taken' in such a deal. Angry, frustrated, exasperated, murderous, yes, but I always got what I paid for, eventually. Touch wood. Your results may vary.

So what has Dave found? This bike is a mystery to me, although it certainly looks European, with its wet-sump sv engine and flattened headlamp - very Frenchy-Belgish. Estimated date of manufacture, 1931-'36. 350cc or 500cc, it's difficult to tell.

I don't trust that the 'Norton' gearbox is original, and is probably a replacement from a convenient donor 16H, as are some of the instruments. The timing chest has a curious look, almost as if a chainchase had been cut off from the cover; something seems to be missing anyway.

The primary side is also odd, but could be standard. That large and featureless cover certainly lacks charm, but it seems to fit the crankcase casting well.
The engine has no identifying marks other than a number stamped on the drive side; 'M 2363 SL'.

The chassis seems sound, with Webb-pattern forks, a pair of 6" diameter Enfield-type brakes with aluminum backplates, plus a handsome tank with integral instrument panel, reminiscent of a '32 Ariel. The frame is a duplex full-loop type, and the exhuast ends in a nice fishtail.

There is a ban on export of pre-1941 motorcycles in India, as they are considered part of the 'national heritage', but crafty Indian traders break up the bikes into several lumps, and truck them to friendly shippers in Nepal. From Nepal, they are officially shipped abroad, using Calcutta as their port!

I'm sure if I dig into my library, I could find the machine in these photos... but I'm curious how long it will take if I put the matter to YOU. Do you know the make and model of this bike?
And we have our answer, which took less than two hours, and came from Australia!
Howard Burrows, who knows a thing or two about old bikes, sent this photo of a New Imperial from 1931, which sent me in the right direction.

He writes: "G'day Paul, It's a NEW HUDSON! Yes a New Hudson from about 1930 without its external engine cowls or covers. See photo. Howard" You win! Fabulous prizes to follow.

Further investigation reveals the machine to be either a 350cc, 500cc, or 550cc sidevalve from ca. 1931/2, as shown in the '31 Hew Hudson catalog. A range of models was available from a very standard sidevalver 350cc (which might be our machine) to more deluxe models with legshields and more capacity, to the hot-rod model 'Bronze Wing' 500cc ohv with a tuned engine.

All these photos come from an excellent New Hudson website on '1931-33 Models', which can be viewed here. There is also a book on New Hudson which was sold by the VMCC, but is currently sold out. Look for 'New Hudson, The History of a Motor Cycle Company', by Eric Ion. It seems my suspicion of the Norton 'box was well-founded; they originally came with Albion gearboxes.
The final photo shows just such a machine, with engine covers, at the Banbury run a few years ago (naughty - the Banbury is limited to pre-31 motorcycles!).

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